"Making it" in the music world can seem like a magical, unpredictable outcome granted only to the lucky, chosen few.A solid musical education focuses on learning repertoire, gaining mastery of technique, interpretation, memorization, musicality and quality of performance as well as auditions and competitions. Yet one's personal development and a true sense of self can get lost along the way.We are trained to believe that if we just practice enough, go to the right school, win the competitions and get the big gig, THEN, we'll finally "make it" and everything will be happily ever after.Except it usually doesn't work out that way. In over a decade of working with musicians as a psychotherapist and now career coach, I've seen so many unhappy and unfulfilled musicians. Cases have ranged from people who feel like they are "bowing for dollars" (meaning they love the paycheck but hate going to work) to others who feel disrespected and undervalued because of not getting a promotion in a music school or conservatory. Some look so successful on paper yet are unable to get out of the red financially or deal with interpersonal problems with a business partner, colleague or board of directors. And yet some are lost in the audition circuit year after year after year, freelancing and teaching along the way as they get more and more burnt out. It goes on and on.This book dissolves the myths about success in music and helps you not only define what success is to you, but helps you create a solid action plan to be successful in all areas of your life.Throughout this book, Dana will guide you down a path of self-exploration and personal discovery to help you answer questions such as:How do I define success?What do I truly love to do?How can I get paid what I am worth?What do I want to express?What do I want to share with the world?How do I want to make a difference?Who inspires me, models the success I want and how can I learn from them?How do I take failure and disappointment and turn it into growth and success?By the end of this book, you will know yourself better, have a clear idea of what you authentically want, and an inspired action plan to create the success and fulfillment you dream of.