It can often seem that, no matter how hard you try, your calendar is always full, and your to-do list isn’t getting any shorter. You dream of pursuing your hobbies and passions without the guilt of feeling like you should be doing something else, and so you seek solutions to increase your productivity. But you’ve already tried so many task and project management tools, and none of them seems to have worked. Is there anything else you can do?People are visual beings, relying on their vision to orient themselves, understand complex patterns, and derive pleasure. If a picture is worth a thousand words, and a prototype a thousand meetings, we could say that a visual task manager is worth a thousand hours saved. In Get Organized in a Visual Way, we’ll show you how to build a highly effective personal productivity system, so that you can take control of your life. You’ll get things organized, get things done, and be rewarded with, not only a sense of achievement, but more free time to do the things you love.Table of contents:IntroductionMake it VisualTrelloYour Weekly Planner Creating Lists Making Adjustments Creating Cards Archiving and Deleting Lists & Cards Organizing Tasks Repeating Tasks Flexible Due Date Tasks Card Sorting Card Filtering The ProcessYour Business Workflow Creating the Board Creating Lists Projects The Process Calendar Automation (Butler) TeamworkTrust the ProcessAbout the Authors