Data is one of the most robust assets Credit Unions have, yet there are few resources available to help the industry leverage this asset. Anne Legg's Big Data Big climb is a must-have guide for those who are looking to improve their members' lives using data. This foundational primer on data transformation uses the metaphor of climbing Mt Kilimanjaro to provide both clarity and a framework on this subject. With sections titled "Which is more mature your data or a teen," and "A Credit Union governs its loans, so why not its data" as well as "Building Credit Union Hakuna Matata" his book cuts through techno-jargon and translates data transformation concepts into a playbook for credit unions to leverage their robust data to create revolutionary member relationships.This must-have guide provides guidance on assessing the current credit union data state, creating an enterprise vision. building member-centric data strategies, demystifying data maturity, establishing a data governance practice, building a data analytics program, developing a data consumptive culture, and building continuous data-centric capabilities. Not only is the book packed with real-world examples, assessment guides, and case studies, the author has created BONUS content available online for only Big Data/Big Climb readers. This book will provide your credit union with the tools it needs to reduce member friction, analyze actual competition, and identify disruption to improve the lives of its members and gain competitive advantage. It is a must-read across boards, leadership teams, department leads, and member contact talent.